Industrial Pretreatment Program

The U.S. Congress created the national EPA-mandated Pretreatment program in 1972. This program protects the publicly owned wastewater treatment plants (POTWs), collection systems, and waterways from discharges of toxic and other pollutants. The EPA approved Metro Water Recovery’s own Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) on August 25, 1986.​

​Metro’s pretreatment regulations ensures the wastewater generated by industries in our service area is pretreated to meet the goals of the program.

​POTWs are designed to treat domestic wastewater.  POTWs are not able to treat all industrial and commercial wastewaters.  Many industries must pretreat wastewater before sending it to the sewer to protect the collection system components, the wastewater treatment process from passthrough and interference of pollutants, the effluent water quality, and the operators. ​

Metro’s IPP also guides the Hauled Waste Program and the Dental Amalgam Control Program. Click the buttons below to learn more, or scroll down for more information about Metro’s IPP.

Pretreatment Flyer


Pretreatment Documents



Industrial Waste Survey

Guidance- References



Useful Links

Hauled Waste Program
Dental Amalgam Control Program

Industrial Pretreatment Wastewater Discharge Information Form & PFAS Survey

As an alternative to the hard copy Wastewater Discharge Information Form & PFAS Survey (WDIF), the link below will allow you to fill out the form electronically. Please follow the prompts in the form and do not leave any sections blank. If it does not apply , mark “N/A”. There are three additional links to reference documents below. The attachments do not have to be returned with your completed form; they are for your records.

If you have any questions regarding the form or the Industrial Pretreatment Program, please call or contact Chip Padilla at 303-286-3394 or

Access the form here