Workforce development earns Metro Water Recovery industry award

DENVER — Metro Water Recovery has been recognized by the wastewater industry for its innovative program to develop talent for critical maintenance positions.
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies awarded Metro a 2024 National Environmental Achievement Award in the category of Workforce Development for this work. The recognition highlights two four-year programs offered by Metro that combine on-the-job training, college courses and additional outside training for Mechanical Industrial Technicians (MITs) and Electrician Instrumentation Technicians (EITs).
MITs fabricate and repair equipment through welding, machining, pipefitting and millwright work. EITs perform preventive maintenance for power supplies, pumps and generators. Both positions are critical to the ongoing operations of Metro, which treats the wastewater for approximately 2.2 million people in the Denver area every day.
“The goal of this program is to ensure that Metro has a qualified, diverse and knowledgeable workforce with candidates that are prepared to fill necessary positions today and in the future,” Director of Maintenance Orren West said. “This award highlights Metro’s commitment to our current and future employees.”
At the end of the program, MITs can continue coursework to earn an associate degree, while EITs earn the degree as part of the program. Five graduates were hired to fill full-time positions in 2022. Currently, four MITs and two EITs are participating.
Learn more about careers opportunities at Metro by visiting our website.
Media opportunity
Interview program leaders and apprentices.
Filming and photography opportunities available.
9:30 a.m. to noon, May 1, 2024 at 6450 York Street, Denver
We are a secure facility. RSVP REQUIRED by April 29.
Contact Amy Lovatt at alovatt@mwrdev.allterrainwebsites.com
About Metro Water Recovery
Metro Water Recovery was formed under Colorado law in 1961. Metro is the largest resource recovery and clean water agency in the Rocky Mountain West, serving approximately 2.2 million people in an 817 square-mile area. In partnership with 62 local governments, including municipalities and special districts, we clean millions of gallons of water every day to be suitable for agriculture, aquatic life, recreation, and water supply.
Amy Lovatt
Public Information Specialist
C: 719-661-8048 O: 720-400-8633